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Premises Liability/Slip And Fall

California Premises Liability Attorneys

Our premises liability lawyers are dedicated to fighting for the rights of individuals who were injured on another’s property due to negligent security, unsafe or dangerous property conditions and other negligent acts on the part of property owners and business establishments.

Settlements For Premises Liability Claims

Under premises liability law, property owners and business establishments have a duty to provide a safe place for those on their property. When they fail to uphold this duty, and another is injured as a result, they may be liable for any resulting damages. At our firm, our premises liability attorneys have successfully handled countless numbers of claims against property owners, including those stemming from slip and fall accidents, negligent security, and poorly maintained property. We are proud of these results and look forward to sharing them with you.

If You Or A Loved One Has Been Injured On Another’s Property, We May Be Able To Help.

Have you been injured on someone’s property where the property owner failed to provide basic safety measures, resulting in a devastating personal injury? You need to get in touch with a Premises Liability Lawyer who will investigate your injury to determine the cause and pursue your case to get you the compensation you deserve. Nordstrom, Steele, Nicolette and Blythe have qualified premises liability lawyers who have experience handling Slip and fall cases, staircase accidents, defective sidewalks, insufficient security, and electrocution cases. Give us a call today at (760) 852-7134 for a Video Consultation with our premises liability lawyers in California .
Nordstrom, Steele, Nicolette and Blythe

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Consultation (760) 852-7134

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