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Premises Liability

Premises LiabilityAre You Eligible For A Premises Liability Claim?

Many victims who suffer injuries in someone else’s premises are not aware that they qualify for a premises liability claim. If you have suffered a similar accident, knowing what to expect is crucial and can go a long way in ensuring you file for the claim in good time. 

Some of the factors that indicate you may be eligible for a premises liability claim in Palm Desert, CA, include the following: 

  • The premises owner is liable because they did not take reasonable action to avoid the accident. 
  • You were injured as a result of their failure in their duty of care 
  • As a result of the injury, you suffered a loss 

Premises injury cases are unique, and even if you think you don’t have a claim, you may still qualify for compensation. That is why you should have a premises liability lawyer review your case to determine eligibility. 

Experienced Attorneys By Your Side 

With any injury claim, you need to seek medical attention and time to recover. With the statute of limitations fast approaching, many clients are uneasy and want to juggle everything at once. 

With us as your premises liability claims attorney, you can focus on improving while we handle the legal side of things. Our seasoned team of lawyers will help you with everything from evidence collection to damage assessment, negotiations, and even litigation if necessary. 

Our personal approach ensures we tailor legal solutions and settlements to the unique factors and circumstances surrounding each case. 

What Are The Elements Of A Premises Liability Case?

For a premises liability claim case to be successful, you need to prove three basic elements. These are: 

  • That there was a dangerous condition or situation on the property 
  • That the owner or any other party who controls the property did not take appropriate action and was negligent in addressing the dangerous situation. 
  • That your injury was caused by the said dangerous condition and the negligence of the premises owner. 

Your premises injury compensation attorney should help you ascertain and prove these three elements to the standards set by premises liability injuries law. 

What Are The Steps You Should Take If You’re Injured On Someone Else’s Property? 

A premises liability injury lawyer can help you handle most aspects of the case, including evidence collection. However, there are things you can do that will ensure the premises owner or management is held liable for their negligence, especially immediately after the accident. 

Some of the steps you should take include the following: 

  • Document the scene:
    Take photos and videos of the scene immediately after the accident. Look at the surroundings for warning signs or lack thereof and take videos and photos of the same. This will ensure your claim doesn’t boil down to the case of your word against theirs. 
  • Identify witnesses:
    If anyone was a witness to your accident, get their names and contact information. You can pass this information on to your lawyer. If the claim goes into an investigation, you need as many people as possible to back up your story. 
  • Seek medical treatment:
    You should get medical attention as quickly as possible and ensure your injuries are appropriately documented. Keep copies of the medical bills and any required future medical procedures to help in assessing your damages. 

You should also ensure you hire a premises liability attorney as soon as possible and avoid signing any release from the property owner and their insurance company. 

Get The Compensation You Deserve 

In many instances, premises liability victims settle too soon and usually for a fraction of what they should have received. At Nordstrom, Steele, Nicolette, and Blythe, our goal is simple: To get you every penny you deserve and help you recover from your injuries with as little stress as possible. You don’t have to suffer from your injuries and also suffer from dealing with the legal system. We are here for you! 

You can reach our offices in Palm Desert, CA, and Tustin, CA, available 24 hours a day through our phone number (760) 852-7134 to set up an appointment and get started on your premises liability claim.

General Information:

Nordstrom, Steele, Nicolette and Blythe

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